hair love


Hair Love

“An Oscar-winning animated short film from Matthew A. Cherry, tells the heartfelt story of an African American father learning to do his daughter’s hair for the first time.”

Andy Pizza

Illustrator for the New York Times, the Washington Post, YouTube & Nickelodeon

Ronnie Nicole

“My Floral Inspired Fossil are meant to make you feel a certain way when you look at them.  They are also meant to give you permission to slow down in life.  Since many of the details captured from the flower are quite subtle, you will need to stop what you are doing.  Your undivided attention is absolutely necessary or you might miss something.”

Alexis Christodoulou

“A self-taught 3D artist living in Cape Town, South Africa has spent the last 6 years building a collection of works focusing on imaginary architecture. While working professionally as a copywriter for the last decade, Alexis taught himself 3D rendering as a hobby.”

Sabeena Karnik

Paper letters, illustration and art