

It isn’t a special edition week but it’s almost the end of spooky season so I wanted to highlight art that could bring the thrills, unsettling shivers, or just invoke the joy of Halloween.

Christ in Limbo by Hieronymus Bosch

Being Not Truthful Works Against Me is part of Sagmeister's 'Things I've Learned In My Life' series that was developed from his personal diary entries. This piece was printed on Mohawk Superfine, Smooth, Ultrawhite with one-color metallic engraving, burnishing, and offset litho black.”

Big Electric Chair by Andy Warhol

“Robert Gleason took a stab at the artwork for the original one-sheet and subsequently produced one of the greatest masterpieces of the genre. The plain black background contrasts with the stark white font and central images. The flaming pumpkin and killer holding a knife blend together seamlessly, with finer details such as the pulsing veins of the hand adding to the intensity.”

For more horror movies posters click here.

Saturn Devouring His Son by Francisco Goya

by Victor at Bang Bang NYC

Title sequence designed by Kyle Cooper along with Thomas Cobb. Designed as a way to give a glimpse into the mind of a serial killer.